Become Our Partner!

We are glad to announce that Ace – Acupuncture Expert and Taoclinic Professional have become quite a success, in the short time since its release. We are selling both online and off-line and the experience is great. We are receiving very enthusiastic feedback from our customers, and many more people are grasping the idea behind the software and joining our circle of customers every day.

Now you are invited to share our success!

We have decided to make it easier for those who want to work with us. Since we use Share-It (of element 5 AG) services, our affiliates can use them too. It takes a few minutes to register, a few more minutes to prepare the page for your site, and – you start making money.

Internet Marketing:

We have an excellent offer to the owners of websites in Chinese/Alternative/Conventional medicine or related areas. You don't need to work hard. You don’t need to add any special processing to your site.

All you have to do is add a few things we provide you with: an image, some lines of text and a link to our online store and web site. We will take care of the rest, including handling all the money processing issues, software downloads, registration, activation and support. You are getting paid for letting other people know how to purchase our product.

Q: How much do I earn?
A: You are getting 20% of every completed sale that was initiated from your site. The amount of sales depends on your web site's traffic and exposure.

Q: What if someone is linked to you from my site but decides to buy your product at a later time?
A: You still get your commission. When the customer was redirected from your site to ours, a cookie was sent to his/her computer which enables us to trace the referring site. So even if he/she decides to buy our product at a later date, you are still registered as the referring site and will get paid.

Q: Am I obligated to put your information at a certain place on my site?
A: No. You can do whatever you like, as long as you don't change the images, texts and links we've provided you with. Remember - the more exposure, the better chances we all have of attracting new customers.

Q: Yes, I'm interested. What should I do next?
A: Since we use Share-It services it is very easy. You just have to click on the following link and register as our affiliate.

Following registration and activation, affiliates receive their login data for the Affiliate Control Panel.

Click here for your affiliate registration form of Taomedic Software International Ltd.

Retail Marketing:

We also accept offline distributors. Distributors sign an agreement and receive a master CD. They can then purchase activation keys from 10 to 1000 each time they require. The distributor sells each key with a copy of the master CD (or with a downloaded file).

The purchase of the keys is 20%-%40 off the end user price, depending on the amount of keys. When large volume orders are made, distributors can divide their payments into several smaller amounts.

If you are interested, please email us. State your business name and place, and send us as much data about yourself and your abilities as you can. You should especially focus on your experience as a software distributor, or any other marketing experience you may have. We might also consider non-experienced distributors as long as they have the spirit and the ability. 

Please send your request to:
David Segal, Sales and marketing coordinator.
Taomedic Software International Ltd.

